Academic Advisory Body

An academic advisory body consisting of following members is formed for the programmes running at GTU-GSET.

Sr. No.Name of MemberDesignation with Parent Institute/Company/Organization
1.Dr. Gautam MakwanaAssociate Professor at GTU-GSET
2.Dr. Sarman K. HadiaAssociate Professor at GTU-GSET
3.Dr. Komal BorisagarAssociate Professor at GTU-GSET
4.Dr. Palvinder Singh MannAssociate Professor at GTU-GSET
5.Ms. Seema Balkrishna JoshiAssistant Professor at GTU-GSET
6.Mr. Mahesh Hasmukhbhai PanchalAssistant Professor at GTU-GSET
7.Dr. Rajesh ThakkerRetired Principal/Professor, Govt. Engg. College-Rajkot
8.Dr. Kiran ParmarProfessor at Adani Institute of Technology, Ahmedabad
9.Dr. Parvez FarukiHoD (Information Technology) at AVPTI, Rajkot
10.Dr. N. K. ChaudharyProfessor and Dean at School of Cyber Security, National Forensic Sciences University, Gandhinagar
11.Mr. Nilesh RanparaManager at ASIC, eInfochips Ltd., Ahmedabad
12.Mr. Harish ChhibSophos Technology, Ahmedabad
13.Dr. Ashish ParejiyaData Scientist & Sr. Manager-IT (PWPL – Piramal Group of Industries)
14.Dr. Mayuri MehtaProfessor at Department of Computer Engineering, Sarvajanik College of Engineering & Technology, Surat
15.Dr. D. JanakiramProfessor at Indian Institute of Technology-Madras
16.Mr. R. Ajith KumarAssistant Professor at Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management- Kerala (IIITM-K)
17.Dr. Mukesh ZaveriProfessor and Head of Computer Engineering Dept. at SVNIT, Surat
18.Dr. Mehul RavalProfessor at School of Engineering and Applied Science, Ahmedabad University
19.Dr. Hiren JoshiProfessor at Department. of Computer Science, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad